2015 Hacking Health Windsor-Detroit
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#14 A.C.E. Care Management: Point of Care Documentation Tool For Elder-sites without EMRs (kitchen)
It's no coincidence that the eldercare sites falling below the 50th percentile for care quality also have the lowest rates in adoption of digital POC and EMR systems. Sites without the ability to tran...
Looking For
  • Mobile & Dashboard Developers
  • Elder Care Professionals
  • Front-end/ Back-end Technical Experts
#16 Migraine Biofeedback App (kitchen)
Migraine Biofeedback app is intended to harvest the power and portability of wearable technology to treat migraine headaches. Migranes are a highly prevalent disease, and several meta-analytic review...
Looking For
  • Technical experts (coder, designer, developer)
#4 Caregiver Connect: Connecting providers of healthcare services to long term care residents
The Caregiver Connect app will be designed to improve daily communication between providers of healthcare services to long term care residents, and their families/caregivers.. This innovative app p...
Looking For
  • Mobile Developers
  • Technical Experts
    #12 MY CANCER GPS: a personal cancer journey navigator (Room 107)
    A cancer journey is unique to every person. Patients have a lot on their minds – appointments, self-care, symptom management and likely a lot of questions too. What if there was a way to provide addit...
    Looking For
    • Technical experts (coder, designer, developer)
    • Health Professionals
    #20 PatientPal ( garage)
    PatientPal: Maximize your patient satisfaction. PatientPal is the faster, smarter way to gather actionable patient feedback. Check out our live mobile prototypes: http://patientpal.herokuapp.com
    Looking For
    • Marketing expertise
    • Suggestions on what to ask for
    #23 Health Angel (www.healthangel.solutions)
    Using mobile enabled situational intelligence to proactively connect consumers with relevant healthcare information and support when and where they need it
    Looking For
    • Copywriters
    • Ui/UX designers
    • Behavioral Design Specialists
    #29 Stent Tracker
    A Web-based app that allows patients to store their cardiac stent information, manage their medication list, schedule reminders to take important medications, and provide an educational tool on heart ...
    #31 Mining Healthcare Data
    Takashi Osada said "When the process is right, the results will take of themselves." With the complexity of healthcare processes, identifying and creating the right processes is challenging. Mining ...
    Looking For
    • Software developer
    • Business developer
    #36 Follow My Care (Collision Shop)
    Keeping patients and families connected by integrating patient experience information with the power of social media.
    Looking For
    • Web developers
    #25 OnTrack
    This service puts a patient back in control of their fertility treatment cycles. It provides the patient with a personal guide for the complex steps throughout the process.
    Looking For
    • Developer
    • UI/UX Expert
    #24 E.M.A (Emergency Medic App)
    This app will allow EMT staff to connect with patients family. When an accident occurs, EMT will communicate with the patients family through the app. Letting the family member know when the patient h...
    Looking For
    • coders
    • healthcare professionals
    • designers
    #35 Project Name...After A Loss (garage)
    Providing support in the hours, days and weeks after a loss. Running any necessary errands , tidying the home , providing refreshments to guests arriving at the home. Staying at the home so break ins ...
    Looking For
    • Developer, social media
    #19 COPD Rapid Assessment Program (Dyno Room #112)
    To develop a mobile application for patients to enter symptoms and answer questions about their COPD to assess their severity and receive feedback. The app would interface with various EMRs in primary...
    Looking For
    • Developers / Programmers
    • Designers
    #40 Windsor Essex Compassionate Community Coalition
    #37 iSTracker
    An easy interface application to decrease the hospital readmission
    Looking For
    • Developer, designer
    #38 Cloud Based Care Continuum Collaboration Toll
    Address the main issue of Social Determinants of Health
    #11 PRN CARE: Creating a location based digital marketplace application that brings background checked, certified individual home care providers together with family members who provide care to their at home elderly when they need the help.
    Looking For
    • Application developers
    • Network engineers
    • graphic designers
    • Highly motivated individuals
    #1 "The Moment" | Mental Health & Wellness Tool
    We are developing an app to help youth/ students communicate their mental health wellbeing with their circle of care- counselors, family, clinicians, etc. Who is apart of our team? Leamington Hospita...
    Looking For
    • Technical Experts
    • user interface designers
    • app developers